Discover sponsored articles' full potential

Download our white paper "50 shades of sponsored articles".

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Cover book EN Landing Page | SEO

Learn everything on purchasing sponsored articles


Purchasing sponsored articles in hypergrowth

The lever of sponsored articles has experienced growth of over 357% since 2018 and is forecast to triple by 2025.

Reasons: changes in press reading habits, audience disapproval of intrusive advertisements, a more transparent advertising context or an awareness of the limited effectiveness of targeted advertising.

In this white paper, you will discover the benefits of a well-executed sponsored articles purchasing strategy on brand awareness, qualified traffic, conversion, etc...

Customer feedback

Meilleurtaux has been working with RocketLinks for several years, especially on techniques that go beyond the simple sponsored article: Push PR, Features, Second-Level links, Advanced Linking, etc. Find out more about the techniques used by our experts in this free white paper.

"RocketLinks has enabled us to set up OPSs such as the integration of a sponsored feature within a premium medium. This type of system satisfies all the marketing and SEO teams and helps us to achieve our objectives on specific, competitive queries."

photo Thomas
Thomas Casiez

Head of SEO at Meilleurtaux

What you will find

Cover book EN Landing Page | SEO
Impact on your SEO | RocketLinks
White paper preview | RocketLinks

Whitepaper summary

 Chapter 1 : a lever in hypergrowth
 Chapter 2 : The full impact of a sponsored article purchasing strategy on marketing objectives

Chapter 3 : So, what is a sponsored article?

Chapter 4 : Amplification: a three-pronged strategy that makes a real difference

Chapter 5 : Good practices in 2022

Chapter 6 : Study cases and examples of effective mechanics

Chapter 7 : How can RocketLinks help you deploy a strategy based on sponsored articles?

Learn everything on buying sponsored articles

Nowadays, writing quality content is not enough anymore. Purchasing sponsored articles has become a crucial issue for every SEO and marketing experts.

This is the ideal lever at the heart of your marketing strategy!

Find out how to deploy it.
